recipes by reG

Recipes by Reg is an online destination for new cooks and seasoned chefs
looking to learn new recipes and techniques. A fun and playful food blog
built on the idea that food is what brings people together.

It's food you'll love for the people you love.

The visual identity of the brand brings the warm and quirky personality
of the chef and infuses it into the brand. I did this through customizing
 the typeface that displays the primary logo mark of the brand. This can
also be seen through the warm tones of the photograph that was used
for the brand as well. More of this personality shines through the phrases
and illustrations that are scattered around the site and on social media.
The playfulness and personality that is seen throughout the brand
captivates the audience and keeps them coming back for more recipes
and tips from their favorite chef.

Recipes by Reg is an online destination for new cooks and seasoned chefs looking to learn new recipes and techniques. A fun and playful food blog built on the idea that food is what brings people together.

It's food you'll love for the people you love.

The playfulness and personality that is seen throughout the brand
captivates the audience and keeps them coming back for more recipes and tips from their favorite chef.

branding / social / illustration